Professional Learning Strategies to Engage Adults


Teaching busy adults can be a daunting task. How do you grab their attention, make material memorable, and create experiences that immediately improve their professional practice? This course will explore various best development strategies that work.


  1. Brain-Based Learning Strategies Proven to Engage Adults and boost long-term retention
  2. Professional learning activities that spark educator participation
  3. New findings on learning styles, brain research, and adult learning theory
  4. References to the Learning Forward Professional Standards
  5. Key differences between adult learners and younger students
  6. Samples of professional learning designs
  7. Sections devoted to job-embedded practice, peer coaching, and action research
  8. Guided reflection and application sections


  1. Brainstorming and Discussion
  2. Drawing and Artwork
  3. Field Trips
  4. Games
  5. Graphic Organizers
  6. Humor and Celebration
  7. Manipulatives
  8. Movement
  9. Music and Rhythm
  10. Project and Problem Based Instruction
  11. Reciprocal Teaching, Cooperativr Learning, and Peer Coaching
  12. Technology
  13. Visualization
  14. Writing and Reflection
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