The lack of personal accountability is a problem that has resulted in an increase of blaming others, complaining and procrastination. No organization — or individual — can achieve goals, compete in the marketplace, fulfill a vision, or develop people and teams without personal accountability. The troubles that plague organizations cannot be solved by pointing fingers and blaming others. Rather, the real solutions are found when each of us recognizes the power of personal accountability. We will explore how negative, inappropriate questions like “Why do we have to go through all this change?” and “Who dropped the ball?” represent a lack of personal accountability and how to rephrase those questions in a positive way. You will be provided with a practical method for putting personal accountability into daily action with astonishing results: problems are solved, internal barriers come down, service improves, teamwork thrives and people adapt to change more quickly. Personal accountability is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to learn, grow and change.
1. Understand how personal accountability applies to your role as a professional educator and influences student achievement.
2. Expand your understanding and application of personal accountability to professional learning communities.
3. Practice personal accountability.
1. A Picture of Personal Accountability
2. Making Better Choices
3. Questions to Not Ask
4. The Harmful Effects of Procrastination
5. Taking Ownership
6. Making Accountability Personal
There are no prerequisites to take this course.
Hardware Requirements:
Instructional Material Requirements:
The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.