Data Academy for Special Education Educators


Is special education the only thing preventing your school from being successful and/or meeting AYP? Do the teachers need assistance with effective co-teaching and teaching methodologies for special education students?  Do the special education teachers need guidance with writing IEPs and meeting compliance? Do you and your team need strategies for effectively communicating with special education students, their parents, and/or student advocates? 

This course will answer those questions and assist you in creating an overall plan for your department and school.


  1. Time Management Strategies 
  2. Increase Staff Morale
  3. Rally Community Support for Your School
  4. How to Advocate for Every Program, Student, and Teacher
  5. Strategies to Develop Strong, Healthy Relationships with Stakeholders


  1. Writing IEPs
  2. Common Mistakes | Process | Re-evaluation
  3. Effective Instructional Methodologies 
  4. ADD |ADHD | ODD | Bipolar| Autistic | Visually Impaired
  5. Relationship Building Strategies
  6. General Education vs Special Education Needs 
  7. Building Relationships and Communicating with: 
  8. Students | Students’ Parents | Student Advocates  
  9. Co-teaching Best Practices 
  10. Parallels and Learning Stations


There are no prerequisites to take this course.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course can be taken on either a PC, Mac, or Chromebook.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.

Please schedule an appointment then you will be directed to the payment portal. After making payment you can close the window to the payment portal, if not redirected back to the main website page.